[pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-91_q2QWBuY4/UkSePwVIkjI/AAAAAAAAAHI/BXO3WTZb-go/s144-c-o/6554662683_5c04080045_o.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/109185937235058548362/CranberryWalnutCelebrationBread#5928037003035185714″ caption=”Cranberry-Walnut Celebration Bread” type=”image” alt=”6554662683_5c04080045_o.jpg” pe2_caption=”1″ pe2_gal_align=”none” pe2_img_align=”none”]
With three days before Christmas, while the southern plains are pummeled with snow storms, Chicago enjoys a strange mild winter with temperatures in the mid 40s with no precipitations! As much as I enjoy a white Christmas, and believe me, we have quite a bit of those in Chicago, I also appreciate spending time in the kitchen, baking, instead of shoveling snow.