Dijon Mustard Crusted Chicken with POM Sauce

Here is another of those “oh my, it’s 5.00 pm, and I have no clue what to cook for dinner” meals. Considering of course that you already have a boned chicken, grainy Dijon mustard and of course the new POM pomegranate cranberry juice.

Wait, you said “boned chicken”? Indeed, in other words turning a vertebrate Gallus gallus domesticus into a invertebrate bird, ready for all sorts of culinary magic. I picked up on this technique (aka Galantine) while watching Master Pepin’s videos Fast Food My Way, a while ago, and that’s what I am doing when one of these Gallus birds ends up on my plastic cutting board:

Got that? Good. Using my Ninja skills, thought by Master Pepin, I quickly bone the chicken, make stock with the bones for soups like Pasta Al Brodo, and used the meat for roasts, filled with all sorts of delicious stuff like spinach, olive tapenade, and so on. But also the boned chicken can be simply barbecued or pan fried flat with a glaze of sort. That’s where the Dijon mustard and POM Cranberry juice enters the scene.

Dijon Mustard Crusted Chicken with POM Cranberry Sauce
inspired from Pepin’s Roasted Split Chicken With Mustard Crust

1 boned flattened chicken

for the crust:

3 tbs chopped garlic
3 tbs grainy Dijon mustard
2 tbs dry white wine
1 tbs soy sauce
2 tbs olive oil
1 tbs dried oregano
½ ts salt

for the sauce:

¼ POM Wonderful Cranberry (or pomegranate) juice
1 tbs butter
half of a lemon

Get your oven blazing at 425 F. Mix together the crust ingredients with a whisk and spread half on the inside of the chicken. Make sure you rub it in the thighs and wings. Carefully lift it up and place it crust side down in a heated large skillet. Spread the leftover crust mix on the skin side and let it cook for 5 minutes on high heat. Into the oven it goes for 30 min or until the top gets crispy, gold brown and delicious. If you want to me sure it’s cooked in the middle, use a
probe thermometer and check it’s temperature. 150F should do it.

Take the skillet out of the oven (carefully – it’s HOT!), remove the chicken to a warm plate, toss the extra fat if it is too much, deglaze the skillet with the POM juice and reduce it to a thick sauce on medium high heat. Add the 1 tbs butter and continue to for another minute. Return the chicken to the skillet (and the juices that oozed out) and hit the sauce with a squeeze or two of lemon juice.

Prepping the cranberry sauce

Serve the chicken on hot plates with garlic rosemary oven roasted potatoes.

Fri 11/19/10: Mustard Crusted Chicken

As part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program, I received the Pom juice.


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2 thoughts on “Dijon Mustard Crusted Chicken with POM Sauce”

  • Draga GAbi, pozele de pe situl tau sint minunate si de fiecare data cind le vad, imi faci pofta, sa le am si eu pe masa mea! Felicitari!
    Iti doresc un Craciun fericit, tie si familiei tale, si un nou cu multe retete si … bucurii. Cind vii in Boston?
    La multi ani!, Ileana

  • WOW this looks fantastic and I LOVE the addition of the POM sauce! What a great blog you have here and I’m so glad to be your newest follower! 🙂

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