Homemade Chinese Noodles

What can you do with flour (high 12% gluten), water, and salt? Of the many things, you can make some insanely delicious homemade Chinese noodles for soups or to enjoy with your favorite sauce.
What you need (yields four servings):
- 200g high gluten flour (here I used King Arthur’s bread flour with 12.7% gluten content)
- ½ Tsp salt
- 200ml water
Start by adding the flour and salt to a mixer bowl. Add the dough hook attachment, set it on low speed, and slowly add the water. Knead for roughly 5 minutes until you get a shaggy-looking dough, as in the video. It will look dry, but don’t add more water—the dough will hydrate in the resting phase.
You can surely use your hands to knead, but it might take longer.
Dump the shaggy dough on the counter and knead by hand until it starts holding together. Cover with a bowl and let it rest for 30 minutes.
After that, divide the dough in half and leave one half covered. Start rolling the other half until you get a rough ⅛-inch (2mm) thick dough. Keep dusting with flour if it sticks to the surface.
Fold the dough in 4 layers, then start cutting ⅛-inch (2mm) strips. Dust the strips with flour so they won’t clump together. Repeat with the other half.
Boil a pot of water and add the noodles. Boil for 3 minutes, drain, and top with your favorite sauce.
I used a Sichuan pepper and garlic sauce (recipe will come soon).