Tag: chicken

Sun Dried Tomato and Cheese Chicken Breast

Sun Dried Tomato and Cheese Chicken Breast

Looks like I’ve been having my fill of BBQ this summer. Every Friday I pull it out and start improvizing with whatever I have at hand that day. So the other day I opened an almost empty, un-inspiring fridge, to discover that I sill have a couple frozen chicken breasts, cream and blue cheese, olives, lemons, parsley and garlic and butter. “Garlic and butter!” I thought to myself… I am saved!

Dijon Mustard Crusted Chicken with POM Sauce

Dijon Mustard Crusted Chicken with POM Sauce

Here is another of those “oh my, it’s 5.00 pm, and I have no clue what to cook for dinner” meals. Considering of course that you already have a boned chicken, grainy Dijon mustard and of course the new POM pomegranate cranberry juice, you can craft a dinner to remember.

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata

So we have this new thing going on when I have to take care of dinner three days a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday to be precise. It is something I enjoy, and it’s a way to wind down after a busy day. The problem is that I am a terrible meal planner. I do grocery shopping, and usually get what’s on sale, or what might inspire me to do a certain meal, but I don’t remember ever going with a pre-planned ingredient list for an upcoming meal. And usually what happens is that I wake up, open the fridge to sort of assess the situation of what I have or don’t have or what needs to be gotten rid of, then frantically search the Internet, cooking magazines or cookbooks for something that might resemble a decent dinner. For some strange reason, I always find that I have excessive mushrooms from the previous grocery shopping day. Don’t ask me why.

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata Ingredients

But I have my staples. I’m not that hopeless. For instance I make sure there are always a couple lemons and limes in the bottom fridge drawer. When skinless, boneless chicken is on sale, I pile up, and divide them up into portions and freeze them. Butter? I need that like gas in our car, okay?  And, look! I have all I need for Chicken Piccata, a sublime marriage between sauteed floured chicken breast cut into thin cutlets and a lemony-buttery-garlicky sauce topped with lemon slices, capers and parsley. To be honest, I inherited this recipe from Steph, since she does the best Chicken Piccata in town. And it’s a big town.
