Tag: Bread

Basic Sourdough Bread

Basic Sourdough Bread

Here’s the process I’m using for my basic sourdough bread. Even if it looks like it has a lot of steps, it’s a simple recipe once you get started. I’ll assume you already have the starter. I will make a separate video on how to […]

Cranberry Walnut Celebration Bread

Cranberry Walnut Celebration Bread

This bread involves heaps of dried cranberry (9 ounces to be precise), that paired with walnuts, scream “Christmas”, and tastes pretty darn close to Panettone (texture & taste) which we usually associate with this time .

The Return of Sour Dough – Night One

The Return of Sour Dough – Night One

Day One - sponge, starter feeding and grains

For those of you lucky dogs and ducks that inherited a piece of my multi-million dollar sourdough starter, here is the first blog post in the series discussing how to actually bake a sourdough bread that will gain back your spouse’s respect, as your kids and friends would bow in front of you and address you as “Your Royal Majesty”. This series is a remastered version of the original Sourdough Chronicles I wrote a while ago.


Roasted Onion and Asiago Miche

Roasted Onion and Asiago Miche

You know that fall is approaching when you start baking. Lately the temperature in Chicago was more baking-friendly so I thought it was time for another BBA Challenge dust-off here with a delicious Roasted Onion and Asiago Miche.

Croissants – A La Julia Child

Croissants – A La Julia Child

How to make Croissants – in honor of my culinary hero Julia Child – and the Julie and Julia movie release on August 7 about her life.

Happy New 2009 and Sourdough Cam!

Happy New 2009 and Sourdough Cam!

Dear friends,

Thought of starting of this first day off 2009 with a live Sourdough Cam showing the growth and live development! How fun this can be?
Now, I don’t expect you starring at the sourdough jar for hours, but you can check the progress from time to time and hopefully inspire you to get your own Sourdough going!

A Happy New 2009 and may your blessings multiply like the yeast in my Sourdough (that is by the BILLIONS!)

Check The Sourdough Cam here.

Gabi, Mamaliga.com

Sourdough Chronicles (Day 4) – Now We’re Talking!

Sourdough Chronicles (Day 4) – Now We’re Talking!

I know. My mysterious disappearance left some of you wondering if the sourdough process got out of control or I got into depression following the ‘depression’ of the previous sourdough starter. I could say both. As Christmas approached, things seemed to be getting more busier […]

Sourdough Chronicles (Day 3) – The End

Sourdough Chronicles (Day 3) – The End

Things looked promising! The 3rd day looked like thing were moving in the right direction. The sourdough starter grew about 1 inch over the indicator line (rubber band). Not as aggressive as during the day before, but given the fact that our night temperature is […]

Sourdough Chronicles – Day 2

Sourdough Chronicles – Day 2

Reading reports of the sourdough starter showing first signs in the first 24 hours, I started panicking. No signs of life (aka bubbling surface) in my concoction. Little did I know what was actually hatching inside. So, I took my wife’s advice and gave it another night sleep chance.

Next morning (I’ll call it beginning of day 2) to my surprise. The surface showed signs of bubbling, meaning that was a good thing! I in turn was bubbling with joy, while the others in my household rolled their eyes.

My suspicion is that the delay in life signs is the Chicago weather that’s currently 10 degrees F outside. So since we want to conserve (save) energy, we run our heat at 68 F during the day and at 65 F at night. So, I would suspect that in a warmer environment, the signs of life will show earlier.

