
Peanut Cakes, Anyone?

Peanut Cakes, Anyone?

I get a kick out of imported goods translations in English on their labels. You can see their native marketing department trying hard to come up with a decent convincing phrase.

Pregnant Tomato?

Pregnant Tomato?

What looked like a perfectly fine tomato, soon proved that was in fact that it was a pregnant tomato with all these seeds starting to germinate inside of it!

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

No, I am not your typical Romanian. I never ever made sarmale in my life! In fact my wife who is American made sarmale and they actually tasted better than in Romania! Heck, what is wrong with me?? They are known in the West as cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage.

The Demon Of Draft

The Demon Of Draft

While growing up in Romania for 33 years I got to assume certain beliefs as being undoubtedly right and incontestable. It took a wife from the American continent to pull these things out of me and bring things into the light sometimes with a good laugh. Hope these […]

Weekend in Review 9-28-08

Weekend in Review 9-28-08

It is usually Friday and Sunday when it is my turn to cook in the Bucataru household. So I thought of posting a weekly review of what I whipped together in the weekend Mushroom Stuffed Galantined Chicken Jacques Pepin shows a way of completely boning […]

Organic America

Organic America

This whole organic food concept cracks me up sometimes. There is a multi-billion industry built on it. The modern American culture became so “fat hydrogenated” that produced a whole anti-movement (rightly so) to bring back the original food production standards of natural cooking.

Mamaliga, The Recipe

Mamaliga, The Recipe

Video recipe about how to make Mamaliga (also known as Polenta)

Chicago’s Taste of Romania 2008

Chicago’s Taste of Romania 2008

Since 1991, there’s an annual festival in Chicago called Taste of Romania, on the vacant plot found at the intersection of California and Addison avenues (proximity of Lincoln Park), organized by a restaurant called “Little Bucharest“, with a Balkan cuisine (more than Romanian). This year’s […]

No More Fried Rice For You Mr. Prime Minister!

No More Fried Rice For You Mr. Prime Minister!

Please, do not take cooking lightly (pun intended). If kitchen business was enough to oust Thailand‘s Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, over accusations of violating the constitution, because he appeared on a cooking show he used to host 7 months ago before becoming a PM, how […]

Authentic Stuffed Cabage Making!

Authentic Stuffed Cabage Making!

Stuffed cabbage, also known as “Sarmale” in Romanian. is a social event. Grandmas, aunts, gather in the kitchen and all they do for that morning is talk and stuff cabbage leafs! Beside the fact that Sarmale is one of the dishes you MUST try, there […]