No More Fried Rice For You Mr. Prime Minister!

Please, do not take cooking lightly (pun intended).

If kitchen business was enough to oust Thailand‘s Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, over accusations of violating the constitution, because he appeared on a cooking show he used to host 7 months ago before becoming a PM, how much more ignoring cooking will come back and hunt you?

Poor guy. He just wanted to stick to his cooking passion, as he was ruling the country. I for one, would be very impressed – even inspired! – if our President (or future President) would appear on a cooking show! He would definitely have my vote! It makes people connect in a more personal way as cooking is such a every day part of our lives!

In fact isn’t cooking that brings us together? Were are you going tonight? Of course to dinner with your family or friends! What will you do after you read this post? Of course go in the kitchen and cook Mr. Samak’s Fried Rice recipe! See, there’s real power in the kitchen, my friends. Cooking is not only an everyday routine with the same old boring stuff.

Let’s try this experiment and see if someone will oust you. Here is Mr. Sumak’s Fried Rice Recipe:

Ingredients (serves 7-8):
1/2 Lbs chicken breast (1/2″ cubes)
1/2 Lbs ham (chopped)
5 medium sized tomatoes (chopped)
6 medium sized onions (chopped)
6 to 8 chilli peppers (preferably hot northern Thai type)
2 cups mushrooms
6 kale leaves
8 small cucumbers
15 spring onions
2 cups boiled rice

1 tbs Oil
3 tbs Butter
Fish (or soy) sauce to taste
Pepper to taste


Start with melting the butter with the oil in a large wok. Add the vegetables, except the cucumbers and the spring onions – these are only used for garnish. Once the vegetables are softened (do not over fry!), add the chicken, fish (or soy) sauce, and the boiled rice.

Use your imagination and inner artist to garnish the fried rice once it’s on the plate. Have fun!

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1 thought on “No More Fried Rice For You Mr. Prime Minister!”

  • Damn right there’s real power in the kitchen!

    Tiffany’s fried rice is better than this.

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