Tag: sarmale

Sarmale Recipe Success!

Sarmale Recipe Success!

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, What looked like a failed cooking afternoon turned around unexpectedly into a success story. The Sarmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) turned out as it should – the rolls didn’t fall apart, they remained stiff, retaining their initial shape, the taste was full […]

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

Pondering Sarmale (stuffed cabbage)

No, I am not your typical Romanian. I never ever made sarmale in my life! In fact my wife who is American made sarmale and they actually tasted better than in Romania! Heck, what is wrong with me?? They are known in the West as cabbage rolls or stuffed cabbage.

Authentic Stuffed Cabage Making!

Authentic Stuffed Cabage Making!

Stuffed cabbage, also known as “Sarmale” in Romanian. is a social event. Grandmas, aunts, gather in the kitchen and all they do for that morning is talk and stuff cabbage leafs!

Beside the fact that Sarmale is one of the dishes you MUST try, there is a whole social aspect that comes with it. Try making friends with a Romanian family nearby. Sooner or later they will invite you over for dinner. Then they will teach you how to make stuffed cabbage! That’s a priceless experience!

It is like apprenticeship over at Gordon-Bleu!
