Kitchen Revamp – Day 2

Sanded Floor
Sanded Floor

A very dusty day. And tiring too. I rented a drum sander and edger to sand the hardwood floor I found underneath the linoleum. I never used a sander before and despite the challenge I went on and did it myself considering that I will of course never achieve perfection – so much more that the floor had to somehow “fit in” with the rustic, character of our old house.

First, I had to sand off the goop that was used to glue the ply-wood to the floor. That took about half the day and changing gooped sanding belts one after another as they become unusable. I figured out after that I really need to pay attention not to heat up the belt too much, etc.

Oven and fridge place



Then I finally got to use a finer grit sand paper and finish the floor off – I had to use the heat-gun to partially scrape off some of the glue – that helped a little. And overall we were happy at the end of a very dusty and tiring sanding day.

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8 thoughts on “Kitchen Revamp – Day 2”

  • Hi Joan!

    Thanks for the comment! Absolutely – that tile HAD to stay there… It is too pretty to take it down –


  • Good work, Gabi! So, when the time comes and we need to sand some floors around here, I can give you a call and you can give me some tips! Now, I’m really looking forward to seeing the completed kitchen. Hurry it up, will you?! 😉

  • Hello from Norway! Your kitchen and you website are looking great! I will have a few new Scandanavian recipes to share with you when I return to Chicago.

  • Sam: Thanks for the comment! The tip I’ll give you is to hire a professional 🙂 if you want perfect floor. In our case it really didn’t matter since the whole floor had imperfections in the rest of the house and it would have been somewhat awkward to have a perfect floor in the kitchen – it would have been like from another movie or so –

    Elizabeth: It took me a half a minute to figure out how someone from Norway named Elizabeth found my blog 🙂
    Then I realized it was YOU! What are you doing in Norway?!?
    Very curious of your Scandinavian recipes – please send them my way and I’ll try them out!

    Thanks folks!

  • What a talented fellow there… the floors are something to see, I am sure the pics do not do it justice.. brilliant and beautiful work guys.

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