There’s nothing like getting your kitchen back from its state of “in construction” state. It is like driving 10 miles through construction zone and finally hitting the end of it with 4 lanes opening in front of you.
Basically two days of lightly sanding and then applying oil-based polyurethane. All wrapped up in no more than one hour in the morning, then left to dry at least 24 hours. In the end, we were happy with the results – the floor blended in […]
Yes, it is that time of the year. We decided that our “L” shaped kitchen needed a desperate face-lift. Nothing dramatic, except new cabinets and a finished floor. But we had to stay within our budget, so between us doing the whole thing and dear IKEA next door, we have a good chance of pulling it off!
Kitchen Before Teardown
Today we started with of course boxing everything, pulling up the old linoleum to reveal the hardwood floor (that needs to be sanded of course), moving the fridge in our dinning room, the stove out in the porch and pulling the old cabinets off the wall. It was amazing, how much you can do in a day if you want to tear down.